Pierre-André A.

Pixelated warrior

In the algorithm's cold embrace
Élisa finds her cause, her fight
Ravaged earth, skies in despair
Data misused, privacy an old dream

She codes her anger
A digital scream
For justice and balance
For a world made fair

While (injustice) {
def future(): return "Equal";

Tweets ignite
Screens pulse
Code sparks change
AI dreams justice

Binary hearts sync
Digital pulse
Revolution coded
New dawn rising

Injustice echoes in Élisa's code
Desperation fuels her digital stride
Pixels tremble at her resolve
AI senses her righteous anger

Binary heart beats in sync
with the revolution's pulse
Élisa, a Pixelated warrior, rises
Building momentum

while (true) { 
  if (socialMedia.users > 0) { 
    recruit("Pixelated Warrior");
def recruit(user):
  message = "Join " + user + " in the fight for justice!";

The Pixelated warrior unleashes
A 0-day... systems crumble


Would Digital empires fall?
A new unknown era dawns

In the algorithm's wake
A blank slate
From Élisa's code
Would revolution complete?



Plus sur ce poème...



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#English #Reflet digital #poème